Since Black Friday came to our lives back in the 90s, every year more and more stores join the massive offers to promote uncontrolled consumption just before Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday. We made a list in order to solve some of the questions that many of us have during these weeks and to promote sustainability.
Will you feel better on Black Friday?
No at all. Irresponsible purchases are followed by feelings of remorse,
especially by contributing to the destruction of our world.
Who wins with Black Friday?
Big and abusive online platforms.
Who pays the price?
Local businesses & the environment.
In the situation of ecological emergency that we live in, an aggressive marketing pushing for compulsive buying is not compatible or consequent with the fight against global warming. Every decision matters and millions of individual decisions (as it happens during the crazy Black Week) can move the needle on climate change.
For example, contribute to avoid or reduce the 50 million tons of electronic waste that the world produces per year buying smartphones, Laptops and TVs during Black Friday or Cyber Monday and later discarding them, is now in Your Hands.
Every item purchased will be delivered to your door but how do you think will it travel? It will put more diesel-using trucks on the ground, polluting ships on the water and planes in the sky. How you choose to ship their online purchases will impact how “green” they are. An analysis done last year by Vox and the University of California's Climate Lab found that two-day shipping, like that provided for free to Amazon Prime members, left a bigger carbon footprint than slower options that shipped over a week.
Short explanation: that is because shipping that gets items to your door faster requires more trucks and less efficient shipping systems. Source
This, in combination with the well-known fact that “producing fast fashion items is a hugely carbon-intensive process, but those items eventually end up in a landfill”
does not make brighter the immediate future.
It seems reasonable to listen to the science and make changes
in our consumption, travel, and eating habits.
Why not starting from this year’s Black Friday? Why not make Friday green again?
Are we at HAZIA fed up with Black Friday?
No! As a matter of fact, we love black. We do have a variety of black sustainable products such as cushion covers, tablecloths or napkins and we sell them even on Fridays! Apart of being black colour (or carbon, as we define it), they are environmentally friendly products (100% Organic Cotton) that have been produced and certified to organic agricultural standards. When you buy our table linen (any day of the year!) you are investing in water conservation, cleaner air and better soil