There is only one month left until Christmas and this is the time when consumerism reach its peak. We buy products that we do not need, we buy in excess and, above all we forget about the importance of making room for sustainability in our Christmas habits. If you are a person who cares about the environment and this year wants to give to your family & friends sustainable gifts, you are in the right place.
Mindful tips and sustainable shopping ideas
Plan your purchases
Always think about the person to whom you are going to give the present, choose a product that she/he may need and decide where you want to buy this product. Shortly said: plan ahead.
Educate in ethical values
The important thing is not only the product itself or the service you give away, but also the values that it implicitly carries. Ask yourself: is it ethically made? Was is manufactured respecting both nature and workers? Did them get a fair price for their goods? etc.
Choose sustainable gifts
If we want to make good/better decisions and consume responsibly, there are several aspects that we must consider and the cheapest rate is not the only parameter: quality rather quantity, long-lasting materials, timeless designs, support local businesses.
Check what you already have
Clean up your wardrobe and look at what you already own. Most of the times we are not aware of what we have already bought and we might not need any more things.
At Hazia we are concerned about all these aspects and that is why we use 100% organic cotton for all our products. All our designs are inspired by the Scandinavian nature and create that calm and timeless Nordic style respecting slow fashion values by producing ethically in small collections. Here you find sustainable gifts that can serve you as ideas for your coming Christmas shopping:
Cotton tablecloths
You can see all our original tablecloths by clicking here. For this Christmas, we especially recommend 'Fika tablecloth nude', for hypersensitive skin. This tablecloth is manufactured with our Fika fabric. Fika is the coffee break that more Swedes proudly practise. The perfect excuse to sit with a friend for hours, catch up with a colleague at work, enjoy eating a cinnamon bun or relax at home watching how the snowflakes brings the wintertime.
Christmas napkins
Our pack of 4 ‘napkins carbon’ is ideal to add a touch of elegance to your Christmas or New Year's table setting. These napkins are designed in Norway and crafted in Spain. All our products are manufactured with 100% organic cotton, a completely pure and biodegradable fabric. The production process is totally sustainable and environmentally friendly. Check more original napkins here.
Cushion covers
With our ‘Glacier’ design, you’ll be right! Remember that every product is handmade cut and it might differ from one product to another. Shortly said: there is no two equal products. We love this. You can find all our timeless cushion covers here.
Gift cards
If you can't decide, you can buy one of our gift cards with the amount that suits best your wishes. From 50 to 200 euros, whoever receives this card will be able to choose the products that she/he likes the most from our store. With this option, there is no possibility of error this Christmas!